Do you know that the English Oral component constitutes 20% of the overall English scores? With such a heavy weightage in the exams, shouldnt it deserves complete consistent training on its own?
Let Chattering Kids kickstart your child's Oral and Communications Training as early as from Primary 3 in order to be in time for PSLE! Our curriculum is carefully crafted by experienced teachers and professionals inline with the latest MOE Syllabus!
Primary 3 - 6 English Oral and Communication Online Class (PSLE Questions)
Are you aware that the Secondary English Oral exam is 20% of the overall English Exam scores? Integrating all the essential elements of the oral exams, Chattering Kids' English Oral and Communications Curriculum is meticulously crafted to be inline with the MOE Syllabus!
Let Chattering Kids journey with your child to transform him or her into a confident communicator!
Secondary English Oral and Communication Online Class (Coming Soon)
As the Oral and Communications Specialist, Chattering Kids' language teachers are all native teachers who are experienced with the Singapore MOE & O Level Oral syllabus. They are our full time teachers. From Passage Reading to Stimulus Based Conversations, we have our students well covered.
Sign up for 1 to 1 online English Oral classes and
learn at the comfort of your home!
Fill up the interest form below and we will
match your child with our pool of available
experienced teachers.
Slots are limited, first come first serve!

Book Your Free Trial
Sign up for our free trial lessons by selecting your preferred time, date, level and language. We will then match it with our pool of experienced teachers.

Attend Trial Class Online
The 30 min trial class will also include a review report based on your child's performance during the class.

Continue Learning With Us
Mastering Oral and fluent conversational skills takes time and loads of practices! Book term lessons with us and work towards acing your child's oral exams!
Primary School Courses
Primary 3 - 6 English Oral and Communication Free Trial Class
(PSLE Questions)
Register for a free trial class. (30mins with free report analysis for your child)
*For new students only*
Primary 3 - 6 English Oral and Communication Online Class
(PSLE Questions)
Sign up for 1 to 1 regular lessons now.
We have success driven structure to train for Oral!
Primary 3 - 6 English Oral and Communication Online Class
Holiday Program
Holiday Program is only available during school holidays. Register your interest here.
Secondary School Courses
Secondary English Oral and Communication Online Class
Sign up for 1 to 1 regular lessons now.