Are you aware that the Chinese Oral Exam component is 25% of the overall Chinese scores? Start your child with Oral training according to PSLE requirements as early as from Primary 3! Oral skills needs long term practice and consistent training.
Let Chattering Kids, the Oral Specialist, journey with your primary school child to ace in his or her PSLE!
Primary School
Chinese Oral and Communication Online Class
在线课堂 . 小三 - 六 口试班 (MOE Syllabus)
Secondary School
Chinese Oral and Compo Online Class
在线课堂 . 中学 口试 写作 班
Do you know that the Secondary School's Chinese Oral Exam accounts for 25% (普华)/ 20% (高华) of their overall Chinese scores? Hone your child's Oral skills with Chattering Kids as early as possible as it's a crucial skill that requires consistency and long term training.
Our comprehensive Secondary Chinese Oral and Compo Curriculum aligns with the latest MOE Syllabus and covers oral (口试), email (电子邮件) and compo writing (作文).
Looking for targeted trainings by experienced native teachers according to MOE syllabus & O Levels to ace this daunting component in the Chinese exam? Sign up for 1 to 1 online Chinese Oral classes (口试练习,生词汇集 & 好词好句) and learn at the comfort of your home!
From 朗读,看图说话,看录像说话,会话 to 好词佳句,
we got them all covered!
Fill up the interest form below and
we will match your child with our pool
of available experienced full time teachers.
Slots are limited, first come first serve!

Sign up for Chattering Kids free trial lessons by selecting your preferred time, date, level and language. We will then match it with our pool of experienced teachers.
Book Your Free Trial

The 30 min trial class will also include a review report based on your child's performance during the class.
Attend Trial Class Online
Mastering Oral and fluent conversational skills takes time and loads of practices! Book term lessons with us and lets work together to ace your child's oral exams!
Continue Learning With Us

小学 . 课堂
Primary 3 - 6 Chinese Oral and Communication Free Trial Class
在线课堂 . 小三 - 六口试 (MOE Syllabus)
Register for a free trial class. (30mins with free report analysis for your child)
*For new students only*
Primary 3 - 6 Chinese Oral and Communication Online Class
在线课堂 . 小三 - 六口试 (MOE Syllabus)
Sign up for 1 to 1 regular lessons now.
We have success driven structure to train for Oral!
Primary 3 - 6 Chinese Oral and Communication Online Class
Holiday Program
Holiday Program is only available during school holidays. Register your interest here.
中学 . 课堂
Seondary Chinese Oral and Compo Online Class
在线课堂 . 中学 口试 写作
Sign up for 1 to 1 regular lessons now.
We have success driven structure to train for Oral!